Free Products for YouTube reviews.
At Water Tank Tec, we firmly believe that if you find yourself needing to distribute your product for reviews, it may be worth reevaluating the quality of what you are offering. Unlike many others, we have never resorted to giving away our products to consumers in exchange for reviews.
To boost their verified reviews on Amazon, brands often resort to distributing their products for free through private Facebook groups. Once the review is submitted and verified by the seller, the buyer is then reimbursed in full via PayPal. The individual mentioned below, who identifies as an 'influencer', has already shared a staggering 657 reviews on Amazon. It is evident she lacks knowledge about the functionality of a powered anode, is reading from a script and is unlikely to ever install this product.
Our email to one YouTube ‘influencer’ states one brand reached out to him sending him 3 free samples for a video review.