I purchased this product hoping to stop my hot water odor and save my tank. The initial installation was easy with the instructions. The odor came back after 1 month. I contacted Matt and learned that my tank temperature was set way low (110) which allowed the bacteria to grow in the tank. I turned it up to 130 and wala the odor was gone the next day. I tested the voltage going into the anode when the installation was done. It was 4.2 volts which I though was a little high. The green led was flashing and I figured it was a bad unit. 2 hours later the voltage dropped to 2.8 volts and the led stoped. The next day it was 2.2 and the following day it was 2.9 and has pretty much stayed the same. Its an older tank 5 years so I figure it has some rust but my water is clear. This product works as advertised and thank you so much Matt for working with me on my email bombardment!

Matt Ray