All orders received by 5:00 AM eastern standard time ship the same day Monday – Saturday.
The cause and cure of Hot Water tank odor.
Any Powered Anode will stop hot water odor. You remove the Aluminum Anode, the odor goes with it plain and simple. You can spend a little or a lot however the outcome will be the same. Factors that contribute to odor are as follows:
Low Tank Temperature:
If odor is present, increase the tank temperature to 130 degrees. This temperature will kill sulfate bacteria within 6 hours as well as legionella bacteria within a few minutes. At only 122 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius), most Legionella bacteria will die within a few hours. At 130 degrees the bacteria will die within minutes.
2. Aluminum/Magnesium Anodes:
Sulfate Bacteria (odor source) gravitate to these rods to feed off the electrons they emit enabling the Bacteria to multiply and grow. This is why these rods have a strong rotten egg stench when removed. Over time, the Anode has no more electrons to expel therefore the minerals fall to the bottom of the tank.
3. Are Some Brands Better Than Others?
Our Powered Anode System is not engineered to stop hot water odor, it is engineered to protect the water tank from internal corrosion so the tank lasts years beyond the factory warranty. The odor will naturally vanish when you remove the Aluminum/Magnesium and which is the odor source. It makes no difference if you pay $49.99 or $179.95 for a Powered Anode system, you will get the same result which is the odor will vanish. It does however make a difference with the brand you choose if you are seeking corrosion protection of the tank.
How does a Powered Anode work?
The engineering principle is to create an Electrical Potential Difference between the water tank (cathode) and an inert Anode powered by a D/C output Power Source. The potential difference should be negative enough to draw electrons emitted from the Anode onto the surface of the cathode (water tank casing) then back to the Power Source in a completed circuit. This creates a layer of corrosion protection within the tank. This task is performed by our Proprietary Potential Controller.
The benefits of our powered anode.
Odor: Titanium does not react with water therefore hot water odor vanishes compared to an aluminum Anodes.
Sediment: Sediment is eliminated since the sacrificial Anode has been removed.
Maintenance: Our Titanium Anode is a permanent replacement even when used in brackish (high salinity) water since they do not react with water.
Efficiency: Our system uses just a few cents of electricity per day.
Applications: Our system is compatible with natural gas, electric, propane, solar and secondary holding tanks. Ultimately, whether you should consider a Powered Anode depends on your specific budget. If you're experiencing issues with corrosion, odor, or sediment in your water heater, a powered anode might be a worthwhile investment.
Why Water Tank tec Is A better brand.
Our system uses cutting-edge mosfet voltage regulation controlled by 555 IC timer circuits, digital potentiometers, SMD & SMT resistors just to name a few. Our circuit board is robotic assembled in an ISO 9001 accredited facility which is why we offer a Life Time Warranty (not pro rated) as long as you own it.
Our Competitors Power Supply is shown to the right.
detailed view of our electronics vs a $149.95 - $179.95 brand.
Below we show our electronics vs a high priced brand which uses a 24Vdc unregulated wall-adapter with no voltage regulation. Our system is engineered, theirs is not.
honesty in marketing.
The below brand claims it is made in Canada however it can be purchased from wholesaler Shenzhen Tengwang Electronics. The wholesaler will place the buyers logo on the box front as shown in the below right photo. The wholesalers warranty is only 1 year. The seller, however, offers a 20 year warranty if the buyer contacts their website and files a warranty card otherwise it is a 5 year pro-rated warranty.
There is nothing magical about an expensive highly rated Powered Anode. In reality, consumers pay $149.95 - $179.95 for a $30.00 generic product.
Corro Protec, HPUY, Reviews.
Consumer review photos of epoxy sealed Anodes over time.For reasons unknown to us, reviews of the Corro Protec brand leaking are removed from Amazon within 48 hours after posting, the top photos are screen shots taken within 24 hours of posting on January 2025 and 2022 from a Corro Protec purchase as well as the bottom 8 photos.
Why do epoxy anodes leak?
Simply explained, this style uses epoxy resin as a seal rather than a rubber compression seal as we use. These brands use this style because it looks robust and it sells. Sooner or later, this type of Anode will leak and ruin the water tank.
Epoxy sealed Anodes to the left, Our system to the right.
what is a White label brand?
White label is a selling strategy where a buyer acquires a product from a manufacturer and then markets it under their own brand name. The purchaser does not participate in the engineering design or production processes; instead, they simply add their branding to the packaging. This approach allows the seller to save significant amounts of money and time, often amounting to tens of thousands of dollars in manufacturing expenses.
If the product has an engineering flaw, the seller is sitting on thousands of the products from the flawed production run therefore they simply ignore the complaint or refund the buyers money if they take down the negative review.
Powered anode seller claims true or false?
Claim: Automatically Adjusts Its Current.
Truth: This brand has no voltage regulator on their circuit board as seen on this site.
Claim: Neutralize the odor no mater the source.
Truth: Odor is caused by bacteria. Removing the odor causing aluminum anode rod stops hot water odor, not the powered anode.
Claim: Protects against hard water that causes sulfate bacteria.
Truth: Hard water is caused by calcium minerals naturally present in water which is the job of water softeners. Softeners do no create sulfate bacteria.
Claim: Stops air in line and Hydrogen Gas.
Truth: Corrosion in water tanks does not generate hydrogen gas. However, if excessive current is supplied to the anode with unregulated power supplies, it can lead to the formation of hydrogen bubbles around the anode, resulting in the production of this gas and introducing air into the lines.
Claim: ‘Break up the calcium molecule’
Truth: We reserved the most significant claim for last. A Nobel Peace Prize is in order if this is true. Breaking up a calcium molecule with a 15mA Power Supply would require Cold Nuclear Fusion.
Conclusion: It is unfortunate that any brand would make such baseless claims, but this is the nature of advertising, which is why we reveal the discrepancies between the claims and the truth.
Anode designs, science or gimmick?
Lets go with gimmick. The Anode is an electrode and nothing more. The most simplistic and effective design is a straight narrow Anode. If our engineering tests showed a different design was more effective, we would have implemented it years ago.
The Matcor commercial system shown below puts the Anode design myth to bed. Used in commercial systems, the Matcor systems effectiveness is accomplished by their potential controller, not the Anode design. Our system uses the same Potential Controller engineering but on a much smaller scale.
How White Label brands perform with a faulty Anode compared to our ICCP system.
The test.
How does our system function when installed?
Where is the anode located?
All American water heaters have an anode rod that can be removed. Bradford White, however, uses a ‘nipple’ anode meaning it does not have a port rather it is on the Hot water side of the tank. This replacement is shown on this site further down on the page. Once the Anode Port is found, remove the plastic cover, and foam insulation. Once the Anode is located, use a 1-1/16 inch 6 point socket to extract the previous anode. With the same socket, screw our anode in the same location.
Water tank Tec Standard vs recessed installation.
Below are 2 alternatives for installation. If the anode port is recessed (higher efficiency tanks) we provide a free extension rod that screws onto our anode allowing for wire connection points.
Click here for our PDF installation Instructions.
My Anode wont break loose or Bradford White installation.
Some factory anodes can be tough to remove. If you strip the bolt off or simply cant break it loose, you can purchase the below parts for less than $10.00 and install it on the Hot water side of the tank as shown below. The aluminum rod will eventually deplete therefore we recommend flushing the tank within 1 year if this installation is performed. This installation will also work with the Bradford White tanks installed on the HOT water side.
Does a Powered Anode void the tank warranty?
Our properly engineered ICCP system will protect the water tank from internal corrosion therefore there would be no need for a warranty claim other than a failed heating element.
If you actually read brands warranty (most of us don’t) the manufacture will not cover the following: The water heater replacement is requested for reasons of noise, taste, odor, Discoloration or Rust.
With the above being said, our best advice is to dismiss what ‘may’ happen and install our system. We have never, to this date, had a complaint of a tank leak failure when our system was installed in a healthy tank (no rust-colored flush water).
$99.49 brand vs $149.95 brand.
The consumer on the left buys a $99.99 brand that didn't work, plans to buy a pricier brand. The consumer will receive the very same system marketed under a different Brand Name. This is why sellers are now blurring their Power Supply information.
Just for kicks, An Amazon brand called WISINY shows the HPGUY ($81.99) Power Supply on their overseas Ad, The same 24Vdc 50mA 1.2W output as the Corro Protec brand with a different label name.
Small Anode White label examples.
It's disappointing to consider that any buyer might think this product will safeguard their water tank against internal corrosion. The Power Supply is a generic unit with a non-regulated output of 12Vdc 1 amp. If you like a barbecue, great product to buy. This amount of power will blister the tanks protective lining accelerating corrosion.
The brands below use appliance power supplies used for clock radios, desktop phones, computer modems and the like.
Customer Installation of our system.
Destabilize the calcium molecule?
The brand claims it will ‘break up the calcium molecule’ which is scientifically impossible using a 1.5Vdc 15mA output Power Supply.
This seller removed the claim 2 weeks after we posted it on this website however, still informs the consumer their brand can perform this task.
Disclaimer - Wrapping up our Product vs other brands Reviews.
Our homepage features a wide array of topics that we have thoroughly explored. It's crucial to emphasize that the images and editorial remarks concerning other products are not intended to discourage anyone from considering purchasing other products rather inform the consumer what they are buying and how it is engineered.
This website presents the claims other brands make as they are, without alterations to their assertions or images.
Photos Of Our System Installed.
just a few of our customer installation photos, Many thanks!
Do you own a Bradford White water heater? We have just the solution you need for your nipple style applications.
How To Remove Your Nipple Style Anode Rod Click here for a short video
All Bradford White and some AO Smith tanks use a nipple type Anode rod. If you can’t find your anode port on top of the heater then you more than likely have a nipple style rod. These replacement Anodes can not be purchased at Lowe’s or Menard's. These Anode Rods must be purchased on-line.
Our solution is simple, replace their Nipple Style Anode Rod with a $15.00 part conversion and end the internal corrosion problem. You can use brass components which are slightly more expensive but worth the investment. Since our product is made from aircraft quality stainless steel which is a passive metal, you will not have any electrolysis issues on the thread points. We recommend using a quality thread sealant on the brass threads going into the carbon steel tank.
If your tank has a 12 year warranty, you have 2 Anode Rods. 1 replaceable Anode & 1 nipple style Anode. Click here for a factory photo of how they are installed. The only difference between a 6 and 12 year warranty is the number of Anode Rods. 6 year warranty, 1 Anode, 12 year warranty, 2 Anodes.
If your system has 2 anode rods, use this system to eliminate the 2nd rod Click here.
If your water heater has a single nipple style Anode Rod, please see the below diagram to convert your tank and incorporate our system. We do not sell these parts since by the time you add in USPS shipping costs, it would amount to $35.00 to send you $15.00 worth of parts.
Nipple Style anode rod conversion hardware.
Finding Your anode Rod location - removing & extracting. Click on images for helpful notes.
Location Of The Anode Rod Before Ordering our product or purchasing a new Tank.
If you can find the location of your Anode Rod Bolt Top on your existing heater tank, our system can be installed (see above photos). It is advised that if you are purchasing a new water heater that you find the Anode Rod location on their display model. If you can't find the Anode port, ask to see the owners manual. If it is accessible and between 10 to 110 gallons, our product will work in your system. Removing the Factory Anode Rod will require a breaker bar and someone else to steady the tank when removing it.
Helpful Tip On Removing The Factory Anode Rod.
Instead of using thread tape or liquid sealant, the factory chooses to install the Anode Rod using Red Loctite which is a permanent liquid thread sealant and is difficult to remove. Use only a 6 point 1 1/16 socket. Leave the tank full of water or if a new installation, fill the tank full first. The water will help steady the tank. Best results are using a 1/2" breaker bar with a pipe extension. If you have access to an impact wrench, this would be even better. See our customer photos above for removing the foam insulation.
Our Warranty
We offer a lifetime warranty on our Potential Controller. If the LED ever flashes Red, contact us via email: If we cannot resolve the issue together, a new controller will be sent to you free of charge.
Shipping & Delivery Times. All Below Times Are Indiana Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT).
* All Orders Are Shipped USPS Ground Advantage. You Can Expect 1 to 3 Day Delivery times Anywhere In The USA.
* Shipping: All orders received by 5:00 AM Daylight savings time (DST) Monday - Friday ship the same day.
* Saturday Orders By 5:00 AM Ship Same Day.
What You Will Receive.
1 MMO Ti Coated Tank Sensor Rod.
1 Power Supply Control Module With 8' Power Cord.
1 Stainless Steel Extension Rod ‘If Needed’ For Recessed Anodes (insulation depth thickness).
Simple Installation Instructions.
Non-Installation Returns After Purchase: 3 Months. If the anode has been installed, a $35.00 deduction will apply to your refund since we do not resale the anode.
Free 1 - 3 day shipping nationwide In The USA.
Our Product is made within an ISO Certified facility, which ensures quality, consistency and compliance with CE Universal standards.
Always Flush Your Water Heater Once Every Year!
We Also Recommend Sanitizing Your Well Every 3 Years. Click Here For How To Perform This Task.
Just a few of our Members
We Are a Proud Sponsor Of The Riley Foundation Helping Children And Families. A portion of our sales goes to Riley’s every Sales Quarter.
Used by home owners and trusted by professionals across the Nation.
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